Dr. Sorin Velici

Medic primar – Chirurgie generală

Specializat în Chirurgia Obezităţii (Bariatrică şi Metabolică), competenţă în Chirurgie Laparoscopică Avansată, Trainer pentru Chirurgie Laparoscopică

Apăsați + pentru detalii

  • Chirurgie Bariatrică şi Metabolică – Gastric sleeve, Gastric by-pass, Gastric plication
  • Colecistectomie
  • Apendicectomie
  • Chirurgia defectelor parietale abdominale (Hernii inghinale/ombilicale, Eventrații)
  • Chirurgie colo-rectala laparoscopica
  • Chirurgia laparoscopica a jonctiunii esogastrice (Achalazie, Hernie gastrică trashiatală sau Hernia hiatală, reflux gastro-esofagian)
  • Chirurgia laparoscopică a chistului renal
  • Chirurgia ginecologică laparoscopică: Histerectomii, Miomectomii (indepărtarea fibroamelor uterine), chist ovarian, ligatura de trompe

2018 “Fundamentals of Mechanical Sutures in Open and Laparoscopic Surgery”, STI, Bucharest, Romania

2018 “Minimally Invasive Techniques for Incisional Hernias “, STI, Bucharest, Romania

2017 “Chirurgia Robotică adresată patologiei pelvine”, STI, Bucureşti, Romania

2017 “Minimally invasive Techniques for Abdominal Wall Defects”, Bucureşti, Romania

2017 “Fundamentals of Mechanical Sutures in Open and Laparoscopic Surgery”, Bucureşti, Romania

2017 “Minimally Invasive Techniques for Colo-rectal pathology “, Bucureşti, Romania

2017 “Minimally Invasive Techniques for Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery “, Bucureşti, Romania

2017 “Minimally Invasive Techniques for Gynecological pathology”, Bucureşti, Romania

2016 ” Tehnici minim invasive de reparare a defectelor parietale abdominale “, Bucureşti, Romania

2016 “Tehnici minim invasive adresate patologiei colo-rectale “, Bucuresti, Romania

2015 “Tidings in HPB Surgery and Hepatic Transplant”, Bucureşti, Romania

2015 “Training Workshop in Laparoscopic Procedures for Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery”, Bucureşti, Romania

2015 ” Tehnici minim invasive adresate patologiei ginecologice “, Bucureşti, Romania

2014 “Challenges in GI-Surgery”, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

2014 “Advanced Workshop on Gastric Cancer”, Bucureşti, Romania

2014 “Continuous Progress in Metabolic Surgery”, Bucureşti, Romania

2014 “Minimally Invasive Techniques for Laparoscopic Pelvic Surgery”, Bucureşti, Romania

2013 “Tehnici moderne de reparare a defectelor parietale abdominale” – Bucureşti, Romania

2012 “Laparoscopic Lower GI Surgery”, Cuschieri Skills Centre, Dundee, Scoţia, UK

2011 “Advance Life Support Course”, Cardiff, Ţara Galilor, UK

2011 “European Paediatric Life Support”, London, Anglia, UK

2011 “The European Course on Laparoscopic Surgery” of European School of Laparoscopic Surgery, Bruxel, Belgia

2008 “Modern approaches of polytrauma patients”, Bucureşti, Romania

2008 “Getting started in laparoscopic surgery” – Laparoscopic cholecystectomy and other fundamental techniques ( training on simulator and swine models)”, Bucureşti, Romania

Studiu clinic, faza III b, pentru evaluarea sigurantei administrarii TZP-101 (Ulimorelin) in comparatie cu placebo, administrat post-operator la pacientii cu rezectii partiale de intestine. Centre de studiu in diverse zone din Europe, studiu desfășurat în 2012-2013 de Pierrel Research, Norgine Ltd.

European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES)

Societatea Română de Chirurgie

Asociaţia Română pentru Chirurgie Endoscopică şi alte Tehnici Minim Invazive

Colegiul Medicilor Bucureşti

General Medical Council – Marea Britanie

IFSO – International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders

RMSM – Romanian Society for Metabolic Surgery

“LASER Choledoco-lithotripsie for CBD Stones” Authors: S.C. Velici, C. Copaescu, Gheorghe Nita, Florin Turcu, Victor Tomulescu. The 3rd Congress of Royal Physicians Club, Bucharest, Romania, 2017

“Laparoscopic Fistula-Jejunostomy for Chronic Leaks after LSG – video presentation of the operative technique” Authors: S.C. Velici, C. Copaescu. The 25th EAES International Congress, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2017

“Laparoscopic Eso-Gastro-Jejunostomy for Chronic Leaks after Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy” – video presentation. Authors: S.C. Velici, D. Andrei, C. Copaescu. The 8th National Symposium of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery, Bucharest, Romania, 2016

“Laparoscopic Assisted Single-Port Trans-Gastric Resection of Benign Intragastric Tumors – A Novel Video-Assisted Technique” – video presentation. Authors: S.C. Velici, C. Copaescu. Romanian-Serbian Surgery Conference, the 9th Edition, Craiova, Romania, 2016

“Laparoscopic Assisted Single-Port Trans-Gastric Resection of Benign Gastric Tumors – A Novel Video-Assisted Technique” – video presentation. Authors: S.C. Velici, C. Copaescu.The 24th EAES International Congress, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2016

“Laparoscopic Radical Sigmoid Colectomy” – video presentation. Authors: S.C. Velici, C. Copaescu.The 6th National Congress of Romanian Society of Colo-proctology, Timisoara, Romania, 2016

” Laparoscopic Assisted Single-Port Trans-Gastric Resection of A GIST Located Underneath the GI Junction – Case Report“ – video presentation. Authors: S.C. Velici, C. Copaescu, I. Balescu, M. Priboi, B.I. Banescu, B. Smeu, I. Hutopila. 2015 Surgery National Conference, The 4th Trauma and Emergency Surgery National Congress, The 5th Colo-Proctology National Congress, Bucharest, Romania, 2015

“Unexpected Evolution of Conservative Treated LSG Leak“. Authors: S.C. Velici, C. Copaescu. The 7th National Symposium of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery, Bucharest, Romania, 2015

“Surgical treatment of hydatid cysts of the liver fistulized in biliary ducts” Authors: Claudiu Stefan Turculet, Dragos Ene, S.C. Velici. The 32nd Reunion Of Surgeons from Moldova Region “Iacomi-Razesu” and The 5th International Conference for Surgery, Piatra Neamt, Romania, 2010

“A Giant Ovarian Cyst (35L), In a Patient With Extreme Obesity (BMI ? 70Kg/m2) – Minimally Invasive Approch“ – video presentation. Authors: B.I. Banescu, I. Hutopila, M. Priboi, S.C. Velici, C. Copaescu. 2015 Surgery National Conference, The 4th Trauma and Emergency Surgery National Congress, The 5th Colo-Proctology National Congress, Bucharest, Romania, 2015

“A Rare Case of Post-Operative Bleeding after Laparoscopic Roux-En-Y Gastric By-Pass“. Authors: B. Smeu, I. Hutopila , S. Filip, M. Priboi, I. Balescu, S.C. Velici,B.I. Banescu, C. Copaescu. The 23rd EAES International Congress, Bucharest, Romania, 2015

“Revisional Surgery after Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric By-Pass for Hypoglycemia“. Authors: I. Hutopila , B. Smeu, S. Filip, M. Priboi, I. Balescu, S.C. Velici,B.I. Banescu, C. Copaescu. The 23rd EAES International Congress, Bucharest, Romania, 2015

“Laparoscopic D2 Lymph Node Dissection in Gastric Cancer“. Authors: M. Priboi, S. Filip, B. Smeu, I. Hutopila, S.C. Velici,B.I. Banescu, C. Copaescu. The 23rd EAES International Congress, Bucharest, Romania, 2015

“Early laparoscopic reintegration after Derivative Ileostomy for Low Extraperitoneal Colo-rectal Anastomosis“. Authors: I. Balescu, M. Priboi, S. Filip, B. Smeu, I. Hutopila, S.C. Velici,B.I. Banescu, C. Copaescu. The 23rd EAES International Congress, Bucharest, Romania, 2015

“Videoassisted approch for a Giant Ovarian Cyst (35L) to a patient with Extreme Obesity (BMI>70)“. Authors: B. Banescu, I. Hutopila , B. Smeu, S. Filip, Turcu F., M. Priboi, I. Balescu, S.C. Velici,C. Copaescu. The 23rd EAES International Congress, Bucharest, Romania, 2015

“A particular solution for Total dehiscence of the esophago-jejunal anastomosis after Laparoscopic Revisional Surgery“. Authors: I. Hutopila , B. Smeu, S. Filip, M. Priboi, I. Balescu, B.I. Banescu,S.C. Velici,C. Copaescu. The 23rd EAES International Congress, Bucharest, Romania, 2015

“Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors in Obese Patients“.Authors: M. Priboi, I. Hutopila , B. Smeu, S. Filip, B.I. Banescu,S.C. Velici,C. Copaescu. The 23rd EAES International Congress, Bucharest, Romania, 2015

“Laparoscopic Partial Bladder resection for a Rare Form of Pelvic Endometriosis “. Authors: B. Banescu, S. Filip, B. Smeu, I. Hutopila , M. Priboi, I. Balescu, S.C. Velici, F. Turcu, C. Copaescu. The 23rd EAES International Congress, Bucharest, Romania, 2015

“Laparoscopic Approch in a Gastric Hemangioendothelioma – Case Report“. Authors: M. Priboi, I. Hutopila , I. Balescu, B. Smeu, S. Filip, B.I. Banescu,S.C. Velici,C. Copaescu. The 23rd EAES International Congress, Bucharest, Romania

“When to Perform Laparoscopic Collis-Nissen Procedure in Association with Hiatal Hernia Repair ?“.Authors: B. Smeu, I. Hutopila , S. Filip, M. Priboi, I. Balescu, S.C. Velici,B.I. Banescu, C. Copaescu. The 23rd EAES International Congress, Bucharest, Romania, 2015

“Active Search for Hiatal Hernia in LSG – a Surgical Protocol“. Authors: I. Hutopila , B. Smeu, M. Priboi, I. Balescu, S.C. Velici,C. Copaescu, The 7th National Symposium of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery, Bucharest, Romania, 2015


Obezitatea: Consecinte si Solutii

Dr. Sorin Velici

Cum ne ajută Gastric Sleeve să pierdem în greutate

Dr. Sorin Velici

Care sunt pacienții candidați pentru Gastric Sleeve?

Dr. Sorin Velici

Ce dureri pot apărea în urma intervenției Gastric Sleeve?

Dr. Sorin Velici

„Micșorarea stomacului te scapă de boli grave.”

„Vorbește Lumea”, PROTV

Testimonial Pacient după intervenția Gastric Sleeve

Gabriel Bogdan Geamănu, Pacient

Evoluție pacient după intervenția Gastric Sleeve

Dr. Sorin Velici